When a person defaults on their payments, after a certain period of time if you don't pay it off, the bank just forecloses on you right? But then some people have trustee sales instead? How does that work, the bank gi...
Some background: Property was foreclosed on by the bank, the mortgage holder. The property did not sell at court auction and was then owed by the bank. Bank listed property on auction.com as bank owed reo. I find out ...
I have a deal under contract and we are having some trouble getting clear title. Title has been working on this for a few months. They have completed a few affidavit of heirships but have a few more that need to be do...
I have a lady who called me from one of my bandit signs who's ex-husband passed away without a will and now her children have a home that has to go through probate. They want to see what they can get out of the home ...
I made a 2nd lien here in Los Angeles, CA in May 2008, Owner Occupied. The borrowers had sufficient income to qualify and lots of equity. One source of income was from a rental duplex, which they cashed out on 3 wee...
Does the phrase "I have bought most of my properties on the Court House Steps" basically mean that the properties where bought at a County Tax Sale?A lot of the Counties dates between tax sales are at least a few mont...
I am submitting a request for possession of my property in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. I was awarded close to $5k in tenant damages and back rent during the court hearing. I did not ask for future months or r...
I put in an offer on a home that we found on the MLS in Philadelphia. This offer was accepted and we proceeded down the line with financing, title, earnest money, option money,etc… The day before we were to close the ...
I have a contractor that did not finish inspections for a big job and left. Specifically the pool inspections as well as the patio inspections were incomplete. The contractor has sold this company is what I heard. The...
I have a deal I'm trying to get closed before the 2/5 auction. quick break down:Homeowner has passedSeller has already went through probate.There are 2 minor children involved the 2 kids were born to both parents.I r...