Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
Out of curiosity where do you West Coasters spend a majority of your investing dollars? We've got probably about 20-25 owners out of California and I know the majority of the reasoning is that they can't buy diddl...
Very often we see people on here talk about how they are educating themselves by reading books relating to the real estate and lending industries. And that sounds great, until you realize that mostly they are reading...
HI Everyone...Just joined BP - I've been reading the forums for 1 month. Lots of great information. Thanks to everyone who is sharing their knowledge. I am debating whether it is worth using my SD IRA to purchase rea...
Hello everyone,
My wife and I are looks to get in to real estate investment within the next year or so. To date we have been Dave Ramsey fans and are totally debt free as of about two weeks ago. Yay! Now we are savin...