A recent article that I wrote on the BP blog received some criticism because I suggest that a 401(k) is one of the best ways to increase your net worth.This strategy was criticized by a couple of readers and I thought...
I have had the opportunity to find and work with some of the best property managers (after many years) for our current properties. Over the years we have gone from me just treating them like just a service I hired to ...
Stupid things Tenant Applicant’s say.
I had renovated a nice 4/3/2 and put it on the market for lease. Here are some of the comments from people who toured the property during the open house or called me from signa...
The Real Estate License Act (RELA) of 2000 is about to sunset. Check out the changes they are making to the RELA regarding wholesaling. How do you think this will affect things?
Excerpt is taken from the article pos...
There is a lot of economic development going on in Windsor right now, so I've started this thread to keep people up to date on all the latest news. As we all know, economic development is directly correlated with rea...
There are so many people and companies out there who claim to be wholesalers and many more newbies who claim to want to start out in wholesaling as a means to get started in the biz.
Let me tell you about a recent ex...
Does anybody know anything about Pinnacle Development Partners, LLC? I saw their ad in Newsweek and the return they promise investors for buying Atlanta foreclosures sounds too good to be true.