Found a great investment property but trying to keep everything as cheap as possible and do a deal without a real estate agent(nothing against real estate agents). I found the owner of the property and can message the...
I am curious to those of you guys that actively wholesale properties. Do you tell your end buyer that you are wholesaling or use a double close? Do you tell the seller that you are wholesaling their property or simply...
For all of you who did not catch this Trailer video that James posted on U Tube I was able to watch it..
I found it well done. And was even more amazed that Jim got Clayton on the phone all the way from Portugal.
Hello BP members in Cincinnati or those investing here. Please be careful of who you invest with. I had the unfortunate experience of investing with someone here and it ended up being a scam. True Story of How my Firs...
Sometime this weekend my partner and I will have our first property under contract. We agreed on the price we just have to meet and sign the contract. Our problem is we haven't began to build our buyers list. I was go...
Lets see how much thought is going to go into this housing / bank bailout . . . frankly, I'm starting to think that the move to make is to stop paying the mortgage so I can:
a) Get "bailed out"
b) Renegotiate my loa...
I am new to RE discussions nad the BP community. I just noticed people here are VERY open to helping and giving advice/guidance. For some reason... I feel these are red flags, but maybe am wrong. I come from the onli...
I'm one year into being a landlord, and I loved it for about the first six months--in spite of numerous challenges. I could handle it! My motto was "Nothing's gonna stop this cowgirl!" I rode high in that saddle.But t...
Hello BP Investors!
I am looking for stories about your biggest real estate mistake, and what you learned from it, for BiggerPockets Wealth Magazine. If selected, your story, name and company will be featured in the ...
Actually started this venture about 3 years ago. I might get some activities out of time sequence. Sit back and grab some popcorn.I will chop this up into smaller segments, so each one isn't too long of a read and h...