Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Sometimes life is crazy with how fast things happen!
Literally looked at our first unit in person, been watching the market/mls for alittle while, this one looked interesting and I like the area so we went and looke...
Is anyone familiar with Autumn Property Management in Waterford, MI? They are taking over the PM duties from Proway (which was an arm of Strategic Properties, LLC). One source was optimistic that they'd be more resp...
Hi folks,I'm getting call backs from my direct mail campaign and I've been following a script that I believe brandon turner posted. I get theri basic info, the unit details and when and how much they're looking to sel...
I bought two turnkey rental duplex units in Indianapolis last year that came with a one year rent guarantee. The rent protection was thru AON and was paid for by the advertiser that markets turn key homes.
So I have read in many places and discussed with many attorneys about the 30 - 90 day anti - flip requirement for short sale acceptance.
However, has anyone ever bothered to question the banks legality for requiring ...