Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hi Everyone,Last night I went to a real estate invest presentation.I responded to an ad on Craig’s list and was invited to a presentation. The presenter was really entertaining, he went over the company (Renatus), off...
I don't know who needs to read this, but I feel it needs to be posted, publicly.
Recently the following happened:
- BP Member posts negative statement about syndicator to these forums, involving lost money, poor co...
I just finished reading Christine Karpinski's book 'How to Rent Vacation Properties by Owner' . The slant of it was that if you manage yourself and use portals like Airbnb, vrbo, etc. you can break even or even get po...
I was born and raised in CA. It's so heartbreaking to see what is happening to it. A recent poll says that 46% of the people plan on leaving the bay area. Let's do our own poll (FOR CALIFORNIANS or those that recentl...