I'd love to hear what y'all named your LLCs. I was thinking something easy.....Stinebaugh Something LLC. I have to think of something for the Something
Mind Blown: For the longest time many people have posted so many negative things about banks etc. Myself included..... then I thought about it: Why tf would I hate a partner with virtually an unlimited bank account? B...
Well, I guess we (collectively) are going to see how smart Robert Kiyosaki is, at least when it comes to predictions. On a news program he makes the bold prediction that real estate & the stock market are going to...
Does anyone else believe in Austrian Economics & follow Peter Schiff & Lew Rockwell & think that when the everything bubble pops in next couple years (we are already in 2nd longest expansion ever) that we ...
CoVid will have a huge impact on the economy. Federal rate cuts and job losses are already being felt.I expect this to have a domino effect on the real estate market within a few months. With foreclosures expected to ...