When it comes to touching base with your loan officer, it seems the more information the better, besides W2 and taxes what do you folks bring to your loan officer to make yourself more appealing to a better deal.
I have a 4 family on a dead end street. There’s are houses only lining one side of the block because the other side is church property and a interstate with a giant noise barrier wall. Recently some of the people on t...
I'm starting to really expand my portolio with a lot of houses. As it grows I'm also creating more LLCs. Isn't this going to get overwhelming to have in my wallet a Credit Card, and Home Depot Card for every property?...
Hello all, So some of you may or may not be aware of the practice of buying second hand Lowe's/HD gift cards online in return for a little discount. It was something I started to do every now and again. Didn't see muc...
Hi everybody. It seems like a huge number of BiggerPockets users are looking to quit their jobs and transition into full-time investing. A major roadblock to this, however, seems to be health insurance. Those of you w...
I am at a crossroads about David Ramsey. Am I the only one or do I see him as arrogant, and does his method of cash of king seem like and awful method. I look at his youtube videos and I just dont want to doubt him an...