In an era marked by rapid economic changes and uncertainties, the real estate market has showcased an unexpected level of resilience. Many anticipated a downturn or even a crash due to factors like rising interest rat...
In the past three years I have spent over $40,000 in property management fees. While there has been some value in their management, I'm wondering if perhaps the value does not exceed the expense. Of course, this doe...
Sorry - I'm new here and just getting started so don't know my way around. I'm sure this question has been asked a million time so maybe point me somewhere else if its been answered. I've done some searching and hav...
Hello,Looking for a little advice on finding good comps in my area. I looked into getting a RE license, but this means hanging my license with a broker, and kind of defeats my purpose of RE license and trying to avoid...
My name is Ethan Stone and I am licensed real estate agent in Texas. I got my license in September of 2016 and I would say I have had relatively good success in my first half year. Throughout the process of growing my...
Most of us don't bat an eyelash when it comes to setting aside x amount of dollars every month for some form of 401(k), Roth IRA, or the like. But if asked to invest in real property, - emphasis on the "real" - you ar...
Hi everyone,I am a new investor looking to do begin a long and profitable long distance REI business. I was hoping to get some feedback on the numbers I have been running on long term buy-and-hold SFHs around Oklahoma...
Hi BP, my name is Sherron and I'm ready to take on my first real estate investment. After years of being a renter, I decided that I was ready to purchase my first house. At the end of last year, I started scaling b...
Ive been searching the county records and tax collectors for abandoned properties, trying to locate an owner and/or address to write to. Is there any info that you may come across when finding the owner that you'll a...
If you were looking to diversify your total investment portfolio and had $1million to put into real estate, what would you do? Interested in both passive and active investment ideas.