Tonight I was at a Seminar, and one of the things he was discussing was investing in Billboards. He talked about how the average price to put a Billboard in the ground was approx. 66k, and that you can charge 7,500 pe...
I have two possible opportunities regarding signage that I would like to explore. I currently invest in mobile home parks, vacant land, notes, and self storage. I have tried researching billboard investing but haven...
@Denise Evans,
If a tax deed property is an empty lot with only a billboard sign on it. How is this treated? Is the billboard considered to be real or personal property?
Hey guys and girls. A friend of mine and I really would like to start a business together. We thought about looking into buying and renting out billboards. I was wanting to know if someone could push me in the right d...
A gentleman not far from where I live is looking to unload 4 acres of commercial land through a private sale. Its on a busy rd, growing area, and currently has 3 billboards that generate "$20,000 a year". I'm very i...
I'd really like to get started in billboard investing, but I know it's not a very popular method of real estate investing. I have experience flipping houses and buying/renovating small apartment buildings, so I'm f...
Had any experience with billboard advertising?
Just curious - what kind of leads did you get most of all (regardless of billboard message)? No-equity sellers? Preforeclosures? Ugly houses?
Please share
So, I found the opportunity to buy or rent a small patch of land on PCH in Huntington Beach that includes a billboard.After doing some research, there's no way that the ad revenue the billboard would bring in wouldn't...
I'm close to signing a contract for a billboard location I've been coveting for my agent business. Anyone have any experience with billboards for marketing? Any suggestions on how to maximize the value? I also run F...
Hi Everyone,I recently came across an REO listing selling a double-sided steel-poled billboard making $3,500 per year (leased) with a small plot of land, in the low six figures. Am I missing something? It seems that t...