What are some good ideas on real estate websites. I've seen some very good ones. 2 Questions:
1. How important is having my own real estate website?
2. What are your recommendations on website building companies?
Hello everyone, my name is Tyler and I've been lurking around several real estate forums for a while now to learn more about the business and I finally decided to register. I hope to meet investors and real estate bu...
I thought of something useful that Zillow.com does not have and am thinking about creating a website or app. What would be my first step? I am not a computer geek. I do not want to share my idea.
Anyone know what's a good software to use for managing your own properties?
Is anyone familiar with /using Azibo?? All in one landlord friendly software??
And if so, do you use a domain host or do you just use that huge web address? If you use a domain host, which one and how easy is it?
All,This is not really a real estate related question but I thought someone on here might have a suggestion anyway. I am looking at a business investment with a company based in Illinois. Can anyone recommend an att...
a house had 2007 taxes of $4000 and was assessed at $392,000...
its on the market for $250k...and i can probably pick it up at around $200K...
will they re-assess based off the new sale price?...currently taxes per ...
Mailers, flyers/listing sheets, presentations, door hangers, letters. even social media posts...what software are you using to design these? Does your firm provide you with these tools or are you responsible for your ...
I have a few properties and need to put them into 1 or several LLCs anyone knows a ball park of how much it costs? And would there be any online services to get this done properly and cheaper?Thansk