Looking to connect with individuals in SC, specifically upstate area. Had a few questions about MHs in that area.
This is not socialism anymore. This is communist totalitarianism. And he's trying to pull it off while distracting you with fake rage at AIG bonuses that his administration wrote into the outrageous stimulus ...
Yet another communist freak has been exposed operating in Obama's inner circle. It's quite a show! Can anyone deny that Obama is set on moving this country toward socialism/communism?
Here's the very troubling video!
I thought you guys would enjoy this great commentary from Jim Cramer in regards to the attacks from Obama that were spawned by his criticism of policy.
Cramer takes on the White House
What are the indicators that the economy has turned around?
1-Traders are only betting there is a 1 in 100 chance of the Dow would f...
Commercial mortgage backed secutities are free falling!
Any one wanna comment on how they think this will affect the market?
Situation: We're at over 2 months into the Gulf oil spill (gusher) that everyone is calling the largest oil spill in US waters in history.
Assets: The US has 2,000 oil skimmers that can clean up...
Hello fellow BPers. I have been a long time reader of these forums and have picked up a tremendous base of knowledge from you, my colleagues, on this forum. I am mostly a passive investor, and so have not had a real...
This is a bit disconcerting. I looked at a couple of these domains and they have been seized. I'm trying to find some background data on this story to make sure some dork didn't just make this up.
Bernanke is going to get a second term from Obama.
One of the smartest things that Obama has done during his turbu...