Hello,For those who operate a STR in Big Bear CA, how is it doing? I am a bit confused on the data surrounding Big Bear. Various sources say its fantastic and others say not so much. For a 2 bedroom 2 bath cabin I wou...
Hey all,
I'm buying a property in OKC and am considering investing more there, but a big issue on my mind is severe weather ie. tornadoes and heavy hail. I'm finding insurance companies either charge very high rates...
I'm a gun owner and I own "that" rifle and "those" magazines, but the Sandy Hook incident has changed my mind. It's not just guns, but guns are part of the picture and such needs to be addressed. I had teachers that h...
I just got done listening to podcast 229 with Zeona McIntyre. Dude my mind is blown as to what she’s doing with Airbnb.
So here’s my situation, I live in Washington state and I have a house in the small to...