Results (1855)
The iBuyer Massacre and Why Most Will Never Survive
4 December, 2022
How to Conquer Financial Trauma & Develop a HEALTHY Relationship with Money
24 September, 2023
Finance Friday: How to Become Debt-Free 20 Years Faster Than You Thought
22 September, 2022
Why Winners Quit: The 5 Factors to Leaving a Soul-Sucking Job
13 August, 2022
Jon Q.
Middle Class: Chips Are Stacked Against You
16 August 2016 | 45 replies
If you are middle class in America and you depend on W2 income for a living, the chips are stacked against you.1. Why are Americans who work for a living taxed more than investors who live off of their investments?2. ...
Dennis Cosgrave
How Will California's Proposed Wealth Tax Affect You?
20 August 2020 | 78 replies
AB 2088 establishes a first-in-the-nation net worth tax, setting a 0.4% tax rate on all net worth above $30 million. If successful, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are likely to follow suit. How will th...