Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hello BP, Recently I've noticed my motivation to do things is declining, and after a serious self-evaluation, I've come to realize that a lot of my lack of motivation has to do with my fitness and eating habits. Does ...
Curious to hear people’s views on the case? I could see the entire industry being changed or some different legal language to some legal forms and things more or less continuing as is. As an aside I do think the combo...
We are buy and hold investors...invested in Las Vegas, 5 homes, before the boom and pop, and are holding the homes as they are positive cash flow. Next, we discovered a suburb of Houston, TX with newer homes, masterp...
My partner, Account Closed and I have been on an incredible journey for the last 12 months! We started our real estate investing business about a year ago, with the goal of retiring from our W-2 jobs within 3 years. W...
We have all been thinking about and living the Corona Virus. I suspect that most of the BP community is in the same state of mind as me which is, doing everything I can to work it out in my head but obvious and defini...
@Ali Boone , @Charles McNelly, and others have talked about lifestyle design, and how it fits into their real estate investing - or should I say, how their real estate investing fits into their lifestyle design. I've ...