Very early this morning I got up to spend a little time at the range. I hadn't been in a while and last week they sent an email with all the new toys they recently received.
So, I wanted to check them out and fire a...
I am in the position to go green aka electric thanks to solar, the numbers all make sense to move in this direction. My net out of pocket expense is roughly $14K, finance it with a low payment, and rapidly pay it off....
I'm looking for any advice that you guys have on dealing with Aspen shooters. I've got a bunch of great Aspens in my yard, but the shooters are relentless.
Does anyone have any tips for dealing with this nuisance?
Who da thunk it but since his dastardly deeds hotel rates have softened tremendously. I mean BIG LEAGUE.Be on the lookout for some discounted hotel prices soon.
The media keeps emphasizing the Vegas shooter's career as a real estate investor. I wonder why they keep doing that? And they also keep emphasizing that he made millions! To anyone who is affected by this, I am sorry...
Has anyone used social media to find scouters? Ie. look @ craigslist to find carpenters, lawn mowers, trimmers to discuss dog-bird scout for distressed/foreclosure properties?
Any Success? How did you develop your re...
Long story but I've had a year long remodel finally come to completion. When I checked Zillow and other renting sites, there were very few properties for long-term rentals in Destin and Miramar. However, my house li...
Just a fun post here. I have been a SFR investor for 15 years and now have $2M in rental RE while working a full time career. The cash flow was tight for years it seemed but the snowball of debt paydown is rolling b...
Stupid things Tenant Applicant’s say.
I had renovated a nice 4/3/2 and put it on the market for lease. Here are some of the comments from people who toured the property during the open house or called me from signa...