Results (2199)
Jason Thompson
to buy or to wait?
15 March 2023 | 96 replies
With so much speculation about the market and its direction, are you waiting on the sidelines, ready to pounce, or are you still pushing forward with conservative underwriting regardless of what the market does?
Steve Maye
How do I protect myself from the US Government?
2 January 2012 | 49 replies
I watch what the other countries are doing to address the government debt and I know that is coming our way. I want to be prepared.
Callapsed stock markets,devalued currency, and higher taxes are just a few thoughts...
Cameron O'Connor
Don't pay your down principal early- Keep PMI and Flood Insurance
21 November 2019 | 39 replies
I’m a number guy. I spend countless hours on excel spreadsheets running ProFormas on every possible situation. I want to know what the BEST possible outcome is, WORST possible, projected actual outcome, forced appreci...
The “Middle Class Trap” That’s Keeping You in Debt
14 September, 2023
Is Financial Fear Stopping You from Living the Life You Dream Of?
2 February, 2023