As quoted in the Napa Valley Register."As Napa city officials near a possible decision in the two-decade tug of war over 51 homes planned near Old Sonoma Road and Casswall Street, a developer on Tuesday again tried to...
Hi BP,I wanted to get your opinion on something that's been bugging me for a while now. First off, I'm 18 (turning 19 in a month) and I'm in my first year at McMaster in Hamilton in the engineering program. At the beg...
The neighbor who lives next to my rental home has threatened to sue me because he alleges my tenant has not responded adequately to his requests that she quiet or remove her barking dog. He also complains that she hol...
A person owns a home in Washington, DC and has a mortgage on it. They relocate to Massachusetts. One month later, they refinance the DC home and get a new mortgage, claiming the DC property is still their primary re...
I stopped playing the lottery a long time ago. Even then I only played the large jackpots. I'm finding myself tempted again. There are two huge jackpots right now totaling 2.6 billion dollars combined. If I won eith...
I’d like to start a new kind of real estate brokerage. It would dually represent buyers and sellers and charge a total commission of no more than 0.6%. Instead of depending on buyer agents to drive prospects from hous...
Hey everyone, I'm a 24 year old Software engineer that's always wanted to get into real estate, I graduated college about a year and a half ago and wanted to hit the ground running when graduated. I moved to North Vir...
First, I'm a newbie and lately I've been stalled due to the ongoing conversation/discussion on whether or not wholesaling is legal. There have been a plethora of opinions and heated discussions surrounding this topic...