Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Hi thereI came across the other day after listening to Claytons podcast. The whole idea sounds really reasonable, but I still would like to cover all my bases. Does anyone have any experience with the...
I have been reluctant to broadcast this information to the note investment community, hoping not to "hang out my dirty laundry" with colleagues or the note investment community. However, it is time to speak out and ad...
So, your tenant made it through the screening process and moved in.
What kind of dumb things are they saying now?
Petty requests?
Requests to remodel?
Requests for upgraded appliances?
Whining about the internet...
I created this topic because I'd like to hear from the guru himself - @Mark Podolsky aka "The Land Geek". He boasts on his podcast that he has the best passive income model, and even forces his "guests" to declare tha...