Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Do you suck as an investor? You know what I mean, are you an investor who just sucks knowledge and resources from others without giving anything in return? Do you expect others to just impart their experience and know...
I have organized what I believe to be some very valuable information and relationships about the economy and real estate, and will be posting updates about the San Francisco Bay Area marketplace here periodically. I s...
Hey everyone ! I’ve posted a few times before but it seems it’s been a while and so many things have changed . Quick summary ! Young guy, owe about 2.6 million in loans in RE , also have a job that’s yields about 200-...
In most markets short term rental supply is high. And a big issue is that a good amount of the supply is from new 'investors' chasing what they thought was a get-rich-quick scheme. So the market not only has an unbala...
Well sort of. I have to pay back taxes of $20k and about $1k in back water. And, yes it needs a full rehab but if I did my numbers right after all is said and done I'll be sitting pretty. I close this week so once I d...
I knew that title would grab your attention.I'm 24. I'm single and not looking for anything until I have enough passive income from real estate rentals to leave my job. No pets, literally just me.I'm a contractor. Wor...