Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Hello, My fiancé and I are about to wire down payment to invest for 3/2 SFR in Ocala, FL. It’s a new construction building which will be finished building in Sep/Oct 2022. However, B2RDirect hasn’t been provide any o...
Have some of you read this book? Is there new unique methods that we should know that aren’t discussed on Bigger Pockets? I’d appreciate comments or brief review. I’d love to think there WAS a (Profitable) lazy way...
I own 3 rental properties in Memphis and have been renting them out since I got them. However, last year I tried to sell them at 25% below market value and still only got offers for less than the loan amount. I ende...