Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hi all,
I am in the process of starting wholesaling. After a previous stint financing a couple real estate projects in '08, I petered out. Recently, I've since decided to focus again, but this time in wholesaling. ...
Hello!I'm new, and still working on understanding analyzing deals. One thing I wonder is if any investors here have calculated how much time they spend per deal, or how much time they spend on management and maintain...
Bought my first deal and now its rented! I have a full time JOB, I'm a very busy single mom and now I'm a full time LandLady :) Here are the #'s:Purchase Price: $78,900Down Payment: $7890Repair Costs: $1200PITI: $585R...