Current Newsweek article lists The United States as # 11 in countries worldwide. Really cool website with different categori...
Since yesterday a company called Nvidia is valued higher than Apple. Yes, you have read that correctly. 3 Trillion $ market cap. Nvidia is now the second biggest company in the US. Ask 10 random people today about Nvi...
Economic Update
(Monday, August 10, 2020)
The resurgence in coronavirus cases is sidetracking an economic recovery that gained steam in May and early June, slowed in July, and now indicates a rocky path ahead. ...
The sun was just peaking over the mountains in an area typically packed with hikers called “Dreamy Draw”, a mecca of crisscrossing hiking trails in the center of Phoenix Arizona. Splitting these mountains, thousands o...
Oregon is considering a bill with state wide rent control. As landlords, this is obvious an issue incredibly important to our industry.Rent control creates ghettos. Rent control drives up the cost of housing. Rent co...