I am against:The simple fact it will kill small business and jobs.
Article points to most likely scenario where Republicans win the House, Democrats keep the Senate .... should Republicans take both will this finally stimulate job creation as companies welcome a more pro-business env...
I am no expert in markets, finances or anything like that.. but since the stock market seems inflated.. are we going to see real estate prices drop within the next year? Specifically if the stock market drops signific...
What the people want and vote for doesn't really matter. The libs know better. AZ , by a large majority wants their borders closed and the law enforced. Feds don't seem to. Ca voters wanted same sex marriages stopped....
I think it's safe to say with complete bi-partisanship that a very high percentage of our lawmakers are pathetic idiots who should be shipped back to whatever state they came from:
Linky link.The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it suspended the reduction of Mortgage Insurance Premiums, effective immediately.HUD sent out an announcement just an hour after President Trump was...
Obama will be the first President since the 70's to throw out the first pitch of the mid-summer classic (the baseball all star game for you non baseball people).
Will he be able to throw a strike? Will he toss one up...
Complements of my sister in Newport Beach, CA, enjoy.:
So...you say Bush is the idiot??
If George W. Bush had been the first President ...
OK I am still coming to terms with the current administration.(and may not ever) But what do you think will happen here? Do you think it's likely that he will be re-elected? If no, please input on who you think will ...
I remember having a discussion about Sarah Palin quitting her elected position as Governor of Alaska, and the best defense anyone here could muster was that she was doing it to prepare for a Presidential run in 2012 (...