It's unoffical at this point but it was recently leaked that P. Kettle will consider the position of Treasury Secretary.
He may be the right man for the job afterall!
His impressive qualifications are explained in t...
Obama will be the first President since the 70's to throw out the first pitch of the mid-summer classic (the baseball all star game for you non baseball people).
Will he be able to throw a strike? Will he toss one up...
I could have sworn I heard him say that he was going to push the TV converter box deadline back to June or something. Whatever happened to that? Has anyone heard anything more than Feb. 17 is the deadline? I'm on cabl...
"Right now, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the institutions that guarantee home loans for millions of middle-class families -- are generally not permitted to guarantee refinancing for mortgages valued at more than 80 p...
I hope I am not...
I thought things were going to "change" with President Obama's ascendency to throne, yet ridiculous searches continue at our nation's airports! Additionally, that silly system colored security codes, instituted by Bu...
I will start with two simple questions:
Are we at war?
Is President Obama the Commander in Chief?
Let's for a moment take the politics out of the plan to allow 4million immigrants to stay here per executive order. I don't want to debate the left or right. I know we all have opinions and most are quite strong eit...
Ok, I'm going to admit that my first thought was the 20 billion dollar escrow fund was a load of crap. I thought it was a shakedown without any due process. I was thinking, like any conservative republican would thi...
Not bad for one month:
$787 billion stimulus, now he wants $634 billion for healthcare and the House just approved a $410 billion pork spending bill.
$1.83 Trillion in his first month!
He still has 47 months to go...