I'm interested in hearing what new wholesalers, or those that are thinking about entering this business, are most concerned with, or struggle with the most. Some suggestions below...
1. marketing - finding motivated...
Yet more TSA harassment. This time the harass a woman who requested her breast milk to be screened through the alternative screening methods that the TSA itself advertises. Well they aren't gonna stand for that kind o...
This made me cringe...We've got mobiles rented in NorCal by people of very modest means and have been mindful of that.https://slate.com/culture/2019/04/john-oliver-mobile-home-rent-rolfe-last-week-tonight.html
Hi,I was wondering if anyone buys property in HOAs and if you do, is there a certain threshold HOA annual fee amount that is ok before it becomes something that you "notice"? For example, i have a home where the HOA a...
I have ~500k liquid to invest but still confused where to start. Everything I've been reading has been about eventually raising capital but how do you start when you already have the capital? I'm looking for max cash ...
Real Estate Investing has created and built wealth for so many investors over the years. There are so many shows on TV today that discuss flip, flip, flip!!!! YOU can make fast cash when you flip but it would also be...
I am an accredited investor looking to deploy capital. Recently we had a not-so-pleasant experience with Sunrise Capital. I am sharing my experience as I believe that TIME is the ultimate currency in life. I am simply...