When working with hard money lenders, be sure you are able to quickly summarize your loan request. Don’t go into too much detail or explanation until the lender has decided to move forward in the process with your loa...
Here is some background. I want to purchase a property, rehab it then do a cash out refi for 80%LTV which will easily pay off all debts and myself back. When working my ROI Math how does one factor a cash out refi i...
One of the things I have learned and to be honest with you I have run across this problem in all fascists of life is to stay away from negative people. I was recently asked what was I doing to make money and I explain...
Our amazing developers are constantly working on improving BiggerPockets. Some things aren't readily apparent or wouldn't affect you, the user. But some things are created specifically for your benefit.Here's what our...
Can anyone recommend a reputable HML that lends in the Augusta, GA Metro Area? Seems like all the HML listed on BiggerPockets that says they lend in Georgia are only willing to lend in the Metro Atlanta area only! :(...
The alerts feature needs a slight filter change. It should ignore the names of people when alerting about a search word/phrase. Here's an example, I've asked to be alerted when someone mentions my hometown "Corbin" ...
If a rental/lease contract is a legally binding document...enforced by collecting rent...or enforced by an eviction process if rent is not paid....then can there not be a document (legally binding) for a tenant to sig...