I don't know if this has been posted, or if it would really happen. But I wonder if this would cause the short ...
Ehhhh.......well........I give up. I can't think of anything more than what they're bringing on to themselves.....
Is someone keeping track? This is like what - 5 democrat political scandals in Obamas first month n...
what a Joke! See my comments on the website under "Rich".
It's nice to see that some of our Constitutional Rights have been restored since W left office...
Here's a great example...
There are some stats for the recent quarter ...
"...we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for thems...
I was just watching the news about the revolt currently going on in Iran over their election.
How does everyone think this will play out? Will the current leaders be over thrown? Will the uprising be crushed?.
Yeah, it's weird and it took me a bit of time to figure out how to write this. It was a bit of travel for me but I went to one of House Representative Joe Donnelly's townhall meetings. I was interested in what a "Bl...
Stock markets down 10% in the two days following the election. Just a continuation of the previous correction, or a market reaction to an Obama administration?
Sen. Judd Gregg Withdraws as Commerce Nominee
Obama nominees are dropping like flies. Have admit that the senator walks the walk...