I noticed a few weeks ago that my tenant stopped mowing the lawn, and apparently stopped paying their energy bill, because the local power company came over and took the meter and put a tag on it. The first of this m...
I thought some of you might find this interesting...
I've been watching the Vanilla Ice Project, which for those of you who don't know it's a show that follows former 90's rapper Vanilla Ice (Rob Van Winkle) as he an...
Twice this morning I have read posts where people have asked this question.How often do you go through your rentals? I have a friend who rents to college kids, and he "offers" to change the furnace filter every month ...
My husband and I recently bought our first rental home (in Fayetteville, AR) but have had very little interest in the 2 weeks it's been on the market so far. I'm wondering if it is priced too high or if our property m...
I just purchased a single-family home in a college town. I would love to talk to someone who has rented to college students before and sort of pick their brain.
Not really treading any new ground here, but interesting read in the WSJ this morning. http://www.wsj.com/articles/surge-in-commercial-re...We've got a number of clients active in South Florida (Miami) and they (and ...