If you are an individual you can owner finance one deal per year, If you are married your wife can likewise owner finance one deal per year. If you are a trust you can do one deal per year. If you are an LLC or some o...
We had a showing at one of our C class properties yesterday, and a propsective tenant came in with a boyfriend. She submitted an application (incomplete, and that in itself is a red flag, short rental and employment h...
Good evening, so happy to be here, and look forward to getting involved in the world of real estate investing. I've been thinking about getting involved for some time now, just can't seam to pull the trigger. I've pur...
I ask this question because there are real differences in what you are allowed to deduct, capitalize and report in these two situations.
Investors that are wholesaling and flipping are typically in the business of re...
One of my biggest anxieties with real estate investing is the eviction process. The thought of unruly tenants squatting in my property without paying rent is a nightmare for a deep introvert like myself. Therefore, wh...
I've been renting out rooms in my house for about 9 months now, on leases ranging from 3-12 months at a time. The experience has mostly been great so far, but at the beginning of May a new tenant moved in who has real...
Really. Can't make this up. I had to coach him through changing it over the phone because the closets have linear fluorescents, and he didn't know what to do.
I'm focusing on the day job now, but I had to share. (...