Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Memphis Investment Properties Turnkey Case StudyDisclaimer: I am an investor/customer of M.I.P, I do not work for them nor being compensated in anyway, just sharing my experiences with other investors.Providers Involv...
If you read my background my husband and I started seriously looking into investing back in March, and since then things have taken off. I'm overly excited & nervous about the entire process, but after listening t...
I've never named a figure on how much $$ we spent on what people call 'GURU training' but I think it's time. The amount of money that is being made by these companies is mind blowing. I've read posts by others on Bigg...
Real Estate Myths. I am glad my Mentor @Karl Krentzel is willing to tell me the truth so I can get deals DONE. Her are a few myths he helped me DEBUNK1) Myth #1 Realtors mess up deals and are a waste of time.False - ...