I’ve recently come across the concept of “personal banking” through “overfunding” whole life insurance policies and leveraging the cash value to buy assets.In theory it sounds like a can’t loose situation. You have a...
Be careful when discussing or posting wholesale deals on Bigger Pockets' forums. Myself and several other wholesalers in my area have gotten complained on to the Florida DBPR and after looking into it we determined th...
I stumbled across the American Homeowner Preservation (AHP) Fund ad on a podcast. Upon going to their website and researching further, it appears it's a hedge fund that buys discounted mortgages and supposedly tries ...
I have an applicant for a property in Anchorage, Alaska that is wanting to sign a lease for a family member that is an illegal immigrant. The individual wanting to sign the lease is unable to provide a completed appli...
Stupid things Tenant Applicant’s say.
I had renovated a nice 4/3/2 and put it on the market for lease. Here are some of the comments from people who toured the property during the open house or called me from signa...