Most hard money lenders are requesting down payments, which I do not have, but I believe I have a really good residential home in a great school district. I really want to hold on to this property, rehab and then flip...
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie in the Inland Empire. I have one single family residence I started renting full-time in August (it's located in the mountains) and I'm totally hooked. My goal is to move into smaller multi-fa...
Hello is there anyone out there that can help me gain knowledge in wholesaling realestate.You can also reach me at: [EMAIL REMOVED]
Okay so the title is a little obnoxious, sorry :mrgreen:
Here is my questions. I have been investing (rehabbing, wholesaling) since 2001. I recently got into the short sale ga...
looking for guys around fayetteville perhaps, maybee military or retired guys to talk deals with.
I need to get my word out. Where do I go to get more cash buyers??? Anyone have links or info please and how to do it????
You know what, I received my first motivated seller from NJ call today and boy I was least expecting it. I hadn't even started my direct mail marketing campaign. I had a basic web site setup couple of weeks ago (I...
Hey guys, been lurking around on this site for a little over a year and learning a ton using the search feature. I'm finally dedicating more time to my passion for real estate investing so I figured I'd drop my intro...
I gave my assistant access to my Facebook account to post and respond to inquiries and Facebook said that we broke their rules and that I cannot post on the marketplace. The ad copy was pretty much the same as what I...
Does anyone have a good source for a regular list of Probate leads in Columbus and Central Ohio? Is there possibly a Probate attorney selling a list to realtors/investors or anything like that? Thanks in advance for ...