Whenever you present to a private lender, do you have a template package that you modify on a deal by deal basis? What is included? I am trying to put together a template that I can present to private lenders as dea...
Hey guys,
I talked with a builder earlier today about my desire to have him built some duplexes for me. I have around 350k liquid ready to deploy for buying land and securing a construction loan. He told me that he p...
Looking for Institutional funds for a 8 figure multi-family project with 60% LTV.Insurance companies / wall street etc... A property / new construction cap rate willbe high 6's. Any thoughts or referrals? Serious repl...
I'm under contract with a park that has mostly new tenants renting park-owned homes with the Option to buy in 10 year time span (10 moved in 2016 and 12 in 2017 which are on 1-year leases), 8 are long time tenants, 6 ...
Curious to see if it is common for a bank or credit union to provide say 80% LTV for purchase for a commercial property even if the majority, if not all, of the down payment is coming from a Hard Money Lender? Thought...
Is it fair to expect a lender-- ANY lender-- to put up 100% of the loan? No, and none of the dozens of lenders I work with will allow someone a loan without some skin the the game of at least 10%. Some require more.Th...
I have a commercial deal under contract. It's a 6,300' office in the downtown of Summerville, SC (growing suburb of Charleston). For some reason, the owners let it fall into disrepair over the last decade. It's a fixe...
I find it difficult to locate investors or private capital that is willing to invest in other investors businesses and/or business. Have anyone else had the same problems?
Hey everyone, im new to the real estate world and need some guidance. I have 3 yrs of HVAC experience but I recently quit my job at Regan HVAC. I have no skin in the game yet, but i have bandit signs ready to go and i...
I am currently Investing around the Phoenix area from out of state, it looks like you need someone in Arizona on paper to manage your properties. Besides getting a property management company around the area to manag...