is what 866 Evictions's office manage said.Julian Moutan, 866-Eviction's office manager, told me the company "is just helping the little guy." He said a few mo...
Hello everyone my name is Kendrick Salazar I am a owner of a commercial/residential cleaning company in Rhode Island. I just wanted to spread some information to help others and help prevent the spread of this disease...
With the new year approaching I am making a goal to read 50 books in 2018. I have read 14 since this September and was curious what some of your favorite real estate, business and self improvement books. Thanks BP!Her...
First and foremost, be safe and take care of your family's health.SO, here is how I see it. This is a lousy time. It will end, "WE" collectively will survive and overcome this, "WE" always have. It seems like every de...
Hey guys.
I'm looking at a Fannie Mae Home Path property. The guy that used to own it stripped it and left. By talking to some of the neighbors I learned that the house was vacant (and no power) during hurr...
Hello BP! My business partner and I are going back to Ohio to invest in a duplex near the hospital. My partner will be living in one side and our plan is to rent the other side out month to month via Airbnb. We would ...
Suspicious tenant claim...Conveniently my new tenant of 3+ weeks brought a washer and dryer with them, which are being stored in the garage. Today they called to tell me that the washer that came with the house leaks ...
Hello BP,Dear Grandma is looking to downsize. Her house completely paid for and she has one note on it that she used to purchase a car with a about $18K remaining.The house is a two family. The main unit is a 3 bed...
We have never accepted cats in our properties. The main reason being that we have heard nightmares about cats spraying all over homes and many people are allergic to cats. We purchased a home that had cat pee soaked c...