Im looking for the best properties to wholesale, houses thaT USUALLY go for pennies on the dollar, that leave alot of potential equity in the purchase! Please Helpwhether i should focus on REOS, SHORT SALE , TAX SALE ...
Vegetarian DiscountI'm kind of surprised that it Was a Bothell Landlord, and not someone in Downtown Seattle, or heaven forbid, Olympia! I wonder if his CPA told him he could write off the $2,400 as something too? W...
One of my favorite things about like-minded communities like BP is the ability to share your goals, challenges, and specific issues. Chances are, someone else out there has already been there, done that, and has exper...
I have been offered $1,600,000.00
My attorney office just emailed me saying that I need to pay $143.00 of re-recording fee because I did not date on the page where I signed my name. It does not sound right to me at all. Does this sound familiar to a...
This is the first time I ever cooked a roast before. Probably messed up a few things. I'm cooking it in a crock pot. Obviously I'm no Iron Chef here, but I can cook a lot of dishes pretty well. I'm trying to eat a lit...
My favorite tacos are ones that I eat with my family! My wife and I own a few Longterm rentals, a few Airbnb glamping sites, a property management company and we enjoy feeding our cows and being outdoors.
When you all pull a list, just say the list is 500, how many times do you call that list before you move on to the next?
Inspired by this thread here: was just pondering what I personally spend a month on food..I looked at all my credit card purchases for food/snacks/drinks (only th...
Hey everyone, ive been virtaully wholesaling in AZ. I have a lead and am working on the price. My Formula is ARV x .75 discount for cash buyers - 20k light repairs - assignment fee. My question is how much of a discou...