my name is Mario Clermont. I am a recent college graduate and i realize that real estate and business is my true passion. i am highly motivated to learn and succeed in the business and i am open to any criticism and help. please
My wife an i are both retired,and new to REI.....I was in sales for 30 yrs.
Real Estate Broker and Entrepreneur that has changed with the times. Have a background as a commercial Pilot . Run a Brokerage with 35 plus agents.
My husband Ron and I like to camp and fish. My husband hunts and I like to visit wineries. We both work for major industrial corporations.
My name is Leroy Daniels, a newbie to real estate investing. I'am happily married,to Judy Daniels. Retire from U.S.Army in 2003. My intentions are to have a second successful career in real estate Investing. Looking forward to learning and helping others in our ventures.