I have always been interested in the real estate business. I am at a place in my life where I can spend more of my time focusing on real estate investing. I am looking to learn as much as I can, so that I can invest to provide additional income in the near term, and perhaps primary income down the road and to set myself up for a better...
I'm a future investor looking to network with other investors. I'm interested in wholesaling, buy & hold, and flipping. I am originally from Liberal,Ks. I work a part time job in order to invest most of my time into real estate. My dad has been involved in real estate since I can remember. His approach is the traditional way, using his...
#RealtorJames I intend on investing using the BRRRR strategy. My goal is to have a $25M portfolio by age 35. I am 28, my wife/best friend/partner sell Real Estate on a team together. She loves my passion for investing and has runs her own Social Media Marketing Company.
#bostontocape #investmentstrategy
#dadlife #realtorjames...