My name is Ethan and I am a nineteen year old student attending UCR. I have grown up in the real estate industry. With currently three years in the business, I have made real estate my passion and I will use higher education to funnel my pursuit of it.
I am 28 years old and live in Houston, TX. My background is in marketing and communications. I love to travel, enjoy politics, trying new food and learning. Some would classify me as a "dreamer". I am a pet parent to a sheltie/shepherd mix.
I’m a CPA, inactive realtor, and real estate investor. My focus is cash-flowing SFRs in any market in which the numbers make sense. Here to learn and network with like-minded real estate investors.
I'm a hard working guy . have been doing maintenance work for over 15 years. Have done painting , electrical, siding, and windows. Feel like this would be a great next step in life to secure my families future.
Full time auto tech. Beginner in REI.
Owner of one duplex currently occupied by wife and myself. Began studying and investing in the stock market several years ago.. now studying real estate. Planning to buy another multi fam soon then hopefully continue to buy more. Looking to gain as much experience as possible.