I am new to the real estate community. Looking to buy my first property this year and learn as much as I can from the experience and from fellow investors.
Entrepreneur (ConstructionTech, RE Marketing Services, Business Consulting) United States Army Veteran (8 years). Ramping up my real estate investment goals in 2018. Crawl, Walk , Run.
I'm an IT manager for a large national insurance company, living in beautiful Cape Elizabeth, Maine. My wife is my partner, we have managed to prosper through raising 3 kids, two now in college and one in high school, and have succeeded beyond our expectations. Time for a new chapter and a new opportunity.
Well, living...
I have a great job as an Administrative Officer for the Department of Veteran's Affairs; Office of Information and Technology. I am also an investor looking for my niche. I'm here to learn, meet others with the same mindset, and add value whenever possible. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two kids.