I'm in the military and have a pretty good annual income, but have always been interested in real estate as a future profession after retirement. I currently own and landlord homes in Kansas and South Carolina, but my next move takes me to Washington D.C. It's hard for me to stay anywhere long enough to build knowledge on the local area's...
I lived in Austin, TX for most of my life. I worked at Dell Inc. for more than 7 years at the Round Rock/Austin campus. In 2008, The Exchange (Army and Air Force Exchange Services) offered me a job in Dallas, TX and my wife and I have been here since. I love Austin but hate the humidity down there and so we are glad it is not too humid here....
Goal is to retire from corporate america with an established real estate portfolio.
My hubby and I have multiple single-family rental units, hoping it will be 10 properties by the end of the year. We always make 45-55 % profit, free and clear, from each unit, each month. He is also the CEO of a partnership that has almost 20 houses, which he started in April. Profits are delayed till the 5 year mark, so as to reinvest. I am...
I’m very new to rental property investing and helping my mother with her property. I seek the knowledge of the Real Estate world and achieve success in a business setting. Which I desire my financial stability for my family’s future.