My name is Latoya Livingston and I am new to the real estate business and I am looking forward to learning everything I can related to this field, in hopes of one day opening my own firm and having a legacy of hard work,.sweat, and love to leave my children and grandchildren. THANK YOU!
I'm interested in getting started with a single-family rental for cash flow, but I'm not opposed to multi-family if the numbers look good.
I have professional career in the Chemical Manufacturing business with extensive Global Experience currently living in the Baltimore area. I have a passion and interest in real estate investing and spend significant time in my real estate business.
I am graduate of Prairie View A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, and Associate degree equivalent in Construction Science. I also obtained a Business Certificate in Entrepreneurship. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Finance from Southern New Hampshire University.
My name is Gail, I'm from Alton,IL.,55 years old, and I am married 30 years with 2 grown children. I have lived in the area all my life.I am interested in finding and restoring historic homes and buildings. My goal is making this a family business, my husband is a carpenter and I have 2 sons and a grandson I wish to employ. I...
I own a duplex and know how cash flow it can generate. I want to learn more.