Full time real estate guy. I manage the family portfolio of about 50 doors as well as being a founder of Memphis focused Long Term Investment Management LLC (www.ltimpm.com) and Reunion Property Management. I came to Memphis years ago as a naive out of state investor and experienced the full gambit mistakes, scams, and shenanigans that out...
Passively invest in the stock market, revenue sharing notes for some local businesses, and a note fund. Also, buy/sell various things online with a target return of 20%.
I focus on Light Rail zoning upgrade strategies.
Check out my blog: www.greenbuildingindenver.blogspot.com
We currently own and self-manage 28 rental C class apartments in an older complex in a nearby city, and have an upscale rental condo and SF rental house. I'm the HOA Board president of the complex where our units are located, overseeing the budget and common area issues for 161 units.
We are also...
My expertise is inclusive of selling single homes, condos and townhomes. As an investor I have primarily focused on buying and holding single home /townhome properties. I have over 9 years as a full time real estate agent, licensed in Maryland and Virginia. I have sold from starter homes to high dollar estate. My job is to successfully...
Almost 200 deals closed as an agent! Started the Athens Real Estate Investor Club/Assoc in January 2014, the only networking group in town for this subject. Now working on acquiring and selling properties with Tucker Capital Group. I have been in the RE business since high school back in the 90's while helping a friend manage their...