Buy 50MM a year in chemistry and commodities for a large North American Printer.
Looking for possible investor on here.
A home owner,real estate investor and property manager for the last 12+ years,bought 3-4 fam's in Boston,fixed and rented them to sec 8 and cash tenants.
I am a young Australian who is currently based in the US, I am here trying my hand at purchasing some property in what I see as a window of opportunity to purchase REO and Forclosure propertys while I have the chance. Anyone who is doing the same thing,i would love to hear form you.
Film Producer, Director, Stuntman...cant have all the fun jobs so added RE investing :) I bird dog for a high net worth fund looking to place $200M+ in US Real Estate.
I am an unretired CA real estate broker. Prior to my retirement I was the managing broker for Creative Real Estate Services, a small investor group buying non-performing, seller financed real estate notes. I retired in 2008 with a retirement portfolio consisting of San Diego and Philadelphia real property and a substantial sum invested with...
Buyer and Seller of bulk REO and Note Packages. Always willing to expand my contact base. NCND's are really not worth the paper their written on when you think about it, but forging long solid business relations built on trust,ethics and mutual benefiting practices are priceless and always my primary goal.