I have been around the real estate, development, and construction most all of my life. Growing up, my family owned a building supply company in N. Georgia and that is where my love for construction, architecture, and real estate began. I atteneded Young Harris College where I studied business and public policy. After college I got my real...
Love life, flowers and cats. Meantime do some real estate investing since 2009. It keeps me always excited and I wish to learn what can I do to meet my goals on this path.
Having lived my life in reverse and finally realizing that I am not getting younger as previously thought. I have decided on a Career, finally. I have chosen Real Estate as my Career of choice and look forward to a very profitable and enjoyable life choice. I have lived in some of the most beautiful places The USA has to offer. I now...
I am a young real estate agent and investor. I have a day job in an engineering field and became a licensed real estate agent in 2015. I am working on building my real estate portfolio.
I have joined the bigger pockets forum to network with other investors, real estate professionals, contractors and learn more.