Hi, my name is Dermaine and I am here to begin my journey in real estate investing; specifically rental property. I began educating myself on real estate investing but decided to join BiggerPockets to seek more professional help.
Hail from "Brew City" Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Retired US Navy veteran and father of 3. I've been reading books and watching and listening to podcasts, youtube videos on real-estate investing. More recently I've been getting an itch to put theory into practice and buy my first investment so here I am.
My wife and I turned our primary residence into a rental property. Rented for a year then sold it to buy a duplex. Our desire is to learn, grow, and take this experience and knowledge to create a larger portfolio. We hope to connect with other investors locally and outside our area.
Hello BP. I am a native of Detroit and currently live in Oakland TN...Near the Memphis area. I am a father of 4. I have a beautiful wife of 4 years. I'm an 10 year military veteran/Air Force with 10 years of logistics experience. In the quest to improve the quality of life, I have read a number of books and attended seminars costing...
Born and Raised in Chicago, Practiced Investing in Memphis, I'm Interested in Connecting and being Sharpened by Character and Integrity Based Professionals on BiggerPockets.
I am currently a IT Consultant with a small, successful firm here in Houston TX. I am married with one child. My wife and I are committed to owning 2 properties before end of 2015. I have been a member (STALKER OF FORUMS) for a few years now and will now start to be an active member to propel our success in this business
My name is Jermaine and my wife Ashley and I are new to the real estate investing platform. We're excited to grow, learn, and team up with others to create win-win deals where EVERYONE walks away with more than what they came with. More money, more knowledge of the business, and more relationships built for the future.