Founder of Cornerstone Community Capital, Registered Architect, LEED AP, NCARB
Nathan is a licensed architect in New York and South Carolina and a LEED Accredited Professional with 14 years of experience in commercial and mixed-used real estate developments. His background in architecture involves advancing projects from city...
I dove into real estate during the height of the housing crash as a brand new real estate agent. Because of that I had to get very creative to find clients. During that time I became an investor friendly agent, as most of my clients were buy and hold or fix and flip investors. I have always admired real estate investors but I was caught up on...
Creating a blissful life through financial freedom, health, and philosophy.
22 years old born and raised in San Jose, Ca.
Looking to get my feet wet, naw... let me take that back.
Looking to dive head first into the best business out there, Real Estate Investing!
Hope to find some good guides, friends, mentors, and just all around good people along my journey.
I have done rental rehabs, flips, owner financed properties and new construction. Mainly I am a buy and hold investor working to build my portfolio of rentals, but I also do owner financed properties for extra cash flow. I invest in Austin as well as in targeted areas of San Antonio.
San Antonio wholesalers, feel free to contact...
I'm a South Florida native. I've been an IT System Admin for the last 30 years. Currently working on going all in into Real Estate Investing. I've been married for 30 years and feel really blessed to have a wonderful family, with my wife and two kids. I love sports cars and really enjoy detailing them.