I've been actively investing in residential and commercial real estate since 1986. Currently my firm works in bank-to-bank transactions, specifically related to distressed banks or distressed assets. Our focus in on performing, sub-performing and non-performing loans.
Have extensive knowledge of short sale industry.
Am new to Wholesaling and always looking for ways to make it work. Also Have some buyers for REO tapes and some great Sellers direct to source always looking for more of both. NO daisy chains please.
I specialize in Commercial Private/Hard Money Loans in FL, NH,MA, and CT. I will also entertain deals in other surrounding New England States. We have our own in-house investors who are looking to fund. I look forward to working with you!
i work for many contractors that have over ten years experience in dry wall, stucco, asphalt, and painting. their attention to detail and quality standards are extraordinary. We have many customers from millionaires to the next door neighbors. we wont lie and say we are the best in the world however we are the best in this area code.
21 Years Old
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (NYU)
Bachelor of Engineering in ME (Stevens)
Own 2 Ecommerce Businesses:
Own a Landscaping Business:
Starting out as a new creative Real Estate investor and learning as much as I can so I can implement what I learn.
So far a single family investor but want to move to multifamily properties/apartment buildings.