I am a trained Art Director, lead by creative juices into a budding Property Developer, and seasonal Real Estate flipping. I believe in Africa, as a third world continent there's a lot to be done.
Hi, I am currently an accountant working locally at a non-profit agency. I have no retirement and I am 53 years old. I have done very well with just real estate investing in my own homes and would like to begin flipping homes in my area. The market here in Northern Nevada is increasing rapidly and would like to pursue my dream.
I am a part-time investor in small (less than 15 units) properties in Palm Springs, California.
Former rental property portfolio now down to just one. Retiring and want to sell my home in Providence Plantation, Charlotte. See lots of flipping going on and think my home would be flipped by new buyer. Would like to find flippers before listing home with Realtor.