As a passionate new urbanist and recent UBC graduate of Urban Systems Engineering, I have extensive knowledge of urban infrastructure and development. Eager to learn more and build sustainable cities!
REALTOR® | Residential Real Estate Broker| Real Estate Investor
- Find & sell investment properties in North Carolina
- Make informed decisions throughout the buying & selling process
- Maximize ROI through value-driven rehab planning & rental performance analysis
I have invested in real estate over the past 20 years Did quite well when my ex and I started, then divorced and the empire crumbled. It's ten years and I've been on my own with only 1 rental house and now I want to get back the where I once was. I did all the deals and he did all the labor. I've gutted my own rental and my own home since...
I will be licensed by this summer. And start off as a realtor here in the Bay Area, CA
I am a real estate investor based in Tampa. I mainly specialize in wholesaling.
New to real real estate investing. Wanting to get any information possible to help me understand, so I can persue my dream in real estate investing. I am a mother of 2 wonderful girls an a stay at home mom. I am looking to invest in real estate an get started making money. I am looking for any information out there that may help me persue my...